9 ways to decorate your brand new apartment


Have you registered to win the 1.4 million dirham apartment at Central Park at Citywalk?

If you have we could be calling you back to make you a finalist to take part in Meraas and Virgin Radio's Race To The Million Dirham Place. If you get the phone call, make sure the first words out of your mouth are:

Give me my Meraas Million Dirham Apartment!

If you say anything else, even hello, you will not be made a finalist.

If you win, you definitely need to know this! Here are 9 ways to decorate your brand new apartment!

1. Hire Marie Kondo. Seriously.

2. Add things that spark joy in your life (free advice if you can’t hire Marie Kondo)

3. Don’t listen to décor tips from your friends. Keep electrostatic induction lamps in the
1990s where it belongs, thanks.

4. Invest in a custom door mat. That way you can inform visitors whether you want them
there or not.

5. Spend on hiring a mover. Getting 5 friends to cram your furniture into their cars is not
going to work in your favour. Trust us.

6. Get curtains. You might think you look a treat but your neighbours might feel

7. Keep a key holder right next to your front door so you never lose your keys! (Also
make a couple of copies of your keys and stash them in random places in case you
forget you have a key holder)

8. Choose a calm and soothing colour scheme. Helpful after a long day at work. Or if
your neighbor decided to hammer nails into his wall at night.

9. Don’t hang up pictures of friends. You’re bound to forget someone and that’s the first
thing they’ll notice when they come home. Stick to pictures of family and pets.


The million dirham phrase is:

Give me my Meraas Million Dirham Apartment!

So whenever you get a phone call, make sure you answer with it! It could be us on the other end of the phone trying to give you a 1.4 million dirham apartment!

If you haven't registered to be part of Meraas and Virgin Radio's Race To The Million Dirham Place then hit the button below to find out more and register.

Register now

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