Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson has been shazamed⚡for an Exclusive Middle East interview with Kris Fade 👊🏽
The superstar talks all things #BlackAdam and his journey towards introducing a new champion to the DC universe.
6:00am - 10:00am
Kris, Priti and Rossi host the UAE's biggest radio show. It's full of fun, laughs and it's Where The Stars Live.
One of the most talked about comedians in the world takes over The Kris Fade Show. Watch the full interview here...
The super-star and multi-award-winning singer-songwriter, Jason Derulo is bringing the heat to Dubai.
Not in the car so much while Kris, Priti and Rossi are on air? Check out the daily podcast here...
It arrived: The UAE's First Mega Music Festival at Expo City Dubai!
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